Learn about the regional pedagogical experience in La Libertad

experiencia pedagógica regional en La Libertad calidad educativa Fundación Wiese

As part of the fifth season of the Educational Dialogs series on “Identity, Heritage and Citizenship”, of the Educational Quality program of the Wiese Foundation, the topic “Regional Pedagogical Experience in La Libertad” was addressed. On this occasion, Jaime Marcos Urteaga was interviewed. He is a professor of Social Sciences in this region, who has […]

Inclusive classrooms: for a more equitable society

Aulas inclusivas: por una sociedad más equitativa

Inclusive classrooms are much more than just teaching venues. They are environments where students can fully develop in all their diversity. These educational environments not only welcome the variety of abilities and characteristics of each student, but celebrate these differences as enriching elements for the whole group. In this context, inclusive pedagogy becomes a beacon […]

Interview with Pallay Peru: Sustainable fashion with social impact

Pallay Peru

Pallay Peru is a social enterprise that, aside from employing female weavers from the communities of Challwaccocha and Acchahuata, rescues the ancestral techniques and designs of the Cusco region. The approach of Pallay goes beyond commercial, social and cultural ends. It also has an environmental impact; each product is handmade with natural supplies and environmentally […]

Impact investing: What are they and how can they help startups?

Inversiones de impacto

What is impact investing? These are investments that are made with the intention of generating a social or environmental impact. Although they have a socio-environmental purpose, they are not donations, but investments, so they seek a return on capital. How do impact investments happen? In general, when a fund makes this type of investment, what […]

Who are the student reporters? Culture and history of Chiclín

Reporteros estudiantiles Peru

Student reporters was a proposal by the fourth-grade primary school students of the Rafael Larco Herrera school under the leadership of teacher Vilma Sanchez, that was implemented at the end of 2022. They wanted to inform, research and disseminate events, news and relevant aspects within their community, under the support of the Educational Quality program. […]

Caxacori Studio: The value of promoting social sustainability

sostenibilidad ambiental

Caxacori Studio, a sustainable fashion company, emerges as a beacon of hope in the Peruvian Amazon. Confronting the threat of deforestation, it has established an innovative collaboration with the Awajún communities, the second largest indigenous population in the region. By focusing on the sustainable gathering of latex from shiringa trees, Caxacori contributes to preventing the […]

What are investment funds for entrepreneurs?

fondos de inversión para emprendedores

Do you know what investment funds are? An investment fund is configured as a collective financial instrument that amalgamates the resources of various investors in order to make diversified investments according to an established strategy. These funds are managed by a managing company, and the return generated is distributed among the participants proportionally to their […]