How to generate savings funds in small businesses?

como generar fondos de inversion

Generating a savings fund is essential for the stability and sustainability of any business. This is due to the fact that the capacity to maintain financial reserves gives businesses the flexibility needed to deal with unexpected situations and to support the continued growth of the business. In this scenario, a savings fund acts as a […]

What is the El Niño phenomenon and how does it affect Peruvians?

Every 2 to 7 years, the El Niño phenomenon occurs in the equatorial Pacific region, which reaches its maximum intensity between the months of December and January, though its influence may last longer (website of CNN in Espanish, 2023). Organizations such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the International Center for Research […]

How to better organize your time as a teacher?


The teaching profession is a noble and challenging task that requires not only pedagogical knowledge, but also effective time management skills. In an environment where exigencies are constant, it is essential for teachers to find effective strategies for optimizing their time and to achieve a balance between teaching, planning, and personal well-being. In this post, […]

Inkao Peru: Transforming the VRAEM through cacao farming


Learn about one of the winning social enterprises of the second edition of the Entrepreneur Fund: Innovation and sustainability in the heart of Peru. Deep in the Valley of the Rivers Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro (VRAEM), a region known for its socioeconomic challenges, emerged a story of hope and change, Inkao Peru, a company led […]

The importance of promoting social entrepreneurship


Social entrepreneurship undertakings are the driver for change that moves our society toward a more sustainable and equitable future. They are defined as initiatives, processes or organizations that seek to improve the quality of life of people and promote sustainable community development. In the words of Ingrid Claudet, general manager of the Wiese Foundation, we […]

UNESCO Day: What is this entity and what is its relationship with the Wiese Foundation?


November 4, UNESCO Day, is a special occasion for reflecting on the vital role of this organization in promoting peace and international cooperation in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. In this article, we tell you more about what UNESCO is, its relevance, aside from its connection to the Wiese Foundation. What is […]

What is cultural heritage and how does it contribute to our relationships with people?


In our exploration of cultural heritage and its ability to weave links between people, we have discovered a world of deep meanings that transcend the material and embrace the immaterial. Cultural heritage extends far beyond monuments, constructions and ancient objects. It delves into the very essence of who we are as individuals and communities, forging […]

How to build healthy bonds for emotional development?


The way in which we relate to others has a significant influence on our emotional balance and, as a result, on our mental health. When this environment is healthy, it facilitates safe and enjoyable interactions with others. Given how important it is to build healthy bonds with others, the question that remains to be asked […]

Activities for developing emotional intelligence in children in schools


Promoting activities for developing emotional intelligence in children is a crucial task in their education. This is due to the fact that this skill will provide them with the necessary tools to understand and to express and manage their emotions, which, in turn, will influence their emotional, social and academic well-being. In this article, we […]

Tourist places in La Libertad to visit in the summer


The region of La Libertad, in northern Peru, is a must-see destination for travelers looking for an experience that mixes history, culture, and a natural scenery during the summer. In this article, we present to you five tourist places in La Libertad that you can’t miss. The El Brujo Archaeological Complex Located in the district […]