Learn about the presence of the Wiese Foundation at the El Brujo Archaeological Complex


The Augusto N. Wiese Foundation, also known as the Wiese Foundation, is a private non-profit institution formally established in Peru by Don Augusto N. Wiese Eslava, on August 10, 1960. Its purpose is to promote the individual and collective good, through culture, education, scientific research, humanitarian causes and social innovation.    Aligned with its founding purpose, […]

The Wiese Foundation premieres the 5th season of its “Educational Dialogues” series

With the title “Identity, Cultural Heritage and Citizenship”, this new season presents a pedagogical reflection on the construction of identity and the sense of belonging in schools, hand in hand with specialists from different backgrounds.     In the aftermath of the pandemic, as Peruvians, we faced challenges that underscored our social fragmentation. Understanding our national […]

The importance of mental health care in schools

La importancia del cuidado de la salud mental en las escuelas

At a time when mental health has become a vitally important issue in society, it is essential to recognize its relevance in the educational context. Mental health in schools is not a passing issue or a temporary trend, but a fundamental aspect that requires serious attention and deep understanding. Through the valuable information shared by […]

Learn about “El Brujo in your shool”: A new educational intervention by the Wiese Foundation in collaboration with the Regional Government of La Libertad and the UGEL (Local Educational Management Unit) of the province of Ascope


Museums are constantly transforming their role and function, becoming active venues for learning and participation. Consequently, they are not limited to being mere exhibitors of historical, artistic or scientific pieces, but seek to establish a closer link with the visitors and the community to which they belong. In response to this evolution, the Wiese Foundation […]

CAXACORI STUDIO: An inspiring example of sustainability and conservation in the Amazon forests


One of the world’s most impressive natural wonders, the Amazon, houses a rich biodiversity and is home to numerous indigenous communities that have depended on its resources for centuries. However, this natural treasure faces a serious problem: deforestation. The indiscriminate logging of trees for economic activities such as agriculture, cattle ranching and mining has led […]

How to promote a good relationship between teachers and parents?


An issue of great concern to teachers is how they can achieve close ties with the families of their students. After all, the family has a crucial role in their formation, so they must work together for the benefit of the children. Is establishing the connection the with the families a simple process? As a […]

The importance of sexual education: Learn about the work of Juntas Perú


According to UNESCO figures, 66% of young people do not know how to prevent HIV transmission. Moreover, almost 70% of girls who had their first menstrual period didn’t know what was happening to their body at that time. These figures are a clear indicator that it is necessary for children and adolescents to have comprehensive […]