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MINEDU, with the help of the Wiese Foundation, renews the platform “I Hear You, Teacher”

This collaborative project will provide emotional support to teachers through more than 200 free resources.

The Ministry of Education (MINEDU) renewed the platform “I Hear You, Teacher”, in collaboration with the Wiese Foundation, with the objective of strengthening the emotional health of teachers that work in public schools at the national level.

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“I Hear You, Teacher” is a strategy that has been carried out since July of 2020 in response to the health emergency provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which provides resources and free services to all the pedagogical community.

The new platform renewed in collaboration with the Wiese Foundation contain more than 200 resources, including videos, infographics, and guides on emotional and physical health, as well as advice and techniques to support teachers, also available in indigenous languages such as Quechua, Ashaninka, Awajún, Aymara, and Shipibo.

At the same time, MINEDU indicated that the webpage has webinars and virtual talks where they broach topics such as the management of emotional crises in the family; time management: recommendations to focus on what is important every day; stress management, how do I keep it from impacting my wellbeing?; and others. All these videos are housed on the web, as well as the materials presented by expositors.

“I Hear You, Teacher” also entails a virtual community to exchange experiences regarding wellbeing with peers, accompanied by specialists and psychologists from the Department of Promotion of Teacher Wellbeing and Recognition of MINEDU.

The renewal of this platform, in which the Wiese Foundation participated, shows the State’s desire to contribute to the strengthening of the implementation and functioning of the strategies of socioemotional wellbeing developed in the directorships and regional management of education in the country.

By this means, according to a MINEDU communication, the ability to respond to the demands of teachers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic will be strengthened, and it will maintain contact with teachers and directors from the regions of the country. For more information, click the link:

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