Reporteros estudiantiles Peru

Who are the student reporters? Culture and history of Chiclín

Student reporters was a proposal by the fourth-grade primary school students of the Rafael Larco Herrera school under the leadership of teacher Vilma Sanchez, that was implemented at the end of 2022. They wanted to inform, research and disseminate events, news and relevant aspects within their community, under the support of the Educational Quality program.

Hence, they acted as correspondents within the school, covering a wide range of topics ranging from cultural and sporting events to academic issues and school coexistence. In addition, school reporters researched topics of interest in relation to their local community in order to disseminate the results of their reports with their educational community.

In fact, the idea of having student reports arose from the observation of a need or lack in the dissemination of certain aspects in their school. For example, the case of a community such as that of Chiclín, was born from the need to delve into, and make known, the origin and information of its people, such as a typical dance or its monuments, with the intention that these relevant data would continue to live in the community, given that when they toured their territory they found out that they did not have that information, even though it was very close to their school.

Applying the methodology of projects for learning

The report made by the students of the Larco Herrera school in Chiclín, a town in the district of Chicama, province of Ascope in La Libertad, about the culture and history of Chiclín, was a significant initiative that arose from the observation of the unawareness and lack of dissemination of the heritage of their community. Vilma Sanchez, a primary school teacher with more than 20 years of experience, led this exploration of the territory using the strategy of talking maps.

The initial proposal was to carry out interviews and reports to publicize the less widespread cultural manifestations of the community. This initiative not only sought to inform others about the history and culture of Chiclín, but also provided an opportunity for students to develop their skills and work in an integrated manner in the areas of communication (text comprehension and orality), art, mathematics and the development of research.

The most noteworthy aspect of this project was how students became the protagonists of their own learning. Their teacher acted as a counselor, providing support and direction, but allowing the students to lead the process. This dynamic fostered autonomy and responsibility among the students, who became “mini teachers” within their work teams.

Project-based work also promoted team collaboration and role sharing, with a leader and coordinator working closely with the teacher to guide the rest of the team. This active methodology not only allowed the learning of curricular content, but was also based on the development of competencies, skills such as collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking, which served to support the students in their training as competent professionals committed to their environment.

Learn how to apply the methodology of projects for learning

The development of the report made by the students of the I.E. Larco Herrera took place within the framework of the project “Escuela e Identidad” promoted by the Wiese Foundation in Ascope. We invite you to learn about the experience of Vilma Sánchez, the teacher in charge of implementing this project in her school, in chapter 8 of the series “Educational Dialogues” where she tells you how to apply the methodology of Projects for Learning in school and what skills and learning students develop through it. Improve the chapter, here!

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