
Learn about “El Brujo in your shool”: A new educational intervention by the Wiese Foundation in collaboration with the Regional Government of La Libertad and the UGEL (Local Educational Management Unit) of the province of Ascope

Museums are constantly transforming their role and function, becoming active venues for learning and participation. Consequently, they are not limited to being mere exhibitors of historical, artistic or scientific pieces, but seek to establish a closer link with the visitors and the community to which they belong.

In response to this evolution, the Wiese Foundation and the El Brujo Archaeological Complex (CAEB) have joined the Regional Government of La Libertad (GRELL) and the UGEL (Local Educational Management Unit) of Ascope to present “El Brujo in your school”. This educational intervention arose from the question of how to take the experience of museums outside their facilities and thus bring the public closer to the history and cultural legacy housed by the CAEB.

Thus, within the framework of the Educational Quality program of the Wiese Foundation, through which the “School and Identity” project has been executed, this initiative is aimed at the 12 Educational Institutions of the province of Ascope that are part of the impact evaluation of the aforementioned project. “El Brujo in your school” has two lines of intervention:

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1. We turn your school into a museum: In this initial stage, students and teachers are part of an experiential experience, in which the Lady of Cao and Aiapaec narrate the 14,000 years of history and cultural legacy of which they are a part. Through recreational and participatory activities, awareness of identity and historical memory is promoted. In addition, teachers and students of each educational institution are invited to make a free pedagogical visit to the El Brujo Archaeological Complex, among other benefits.

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2. Archaeology in your school: This line of intervention consists of talks and workshops on cultural heritage aimed at students of 6th grade of primary education and 1st year of secondary of the Educational Institutions of control. The aim of these activities is to raise students’ awareness of the cultural heritage and encourage its revaluation as part of the collective memory in the community.

The main objective of “El Brujo in your school” is to promote an active connection of the student community with the El Brujo Archaeological Complex, thus strengthening its identity and historical memory through recreational and awareness strategies related to the cultural heritage.

We, the Wiese Foundation, reaffirm our commitment to quality education, the dissemination and awareness-building of knowledge, and the protection of the historical heritage of Peru for the benefit of our entire community and future generations.

About the Wiese Foundation

The Wiese Foundation is an institution committed to the sustainable development of Peru, focused on the ambit of education and culture. It works in collaboration with various actors to promote transformative projects.

About the El Brujo Archaeological Complex

The El Brujo Archaeological Complex is an archaeological site of great importance located in the region of La Libertad, Peru. It stands out for its rich pre-Hispanic history and the discovery of the famous tomb of the Lady of Cao.

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