Niños con dificultades auditivas

Wiese Foundation: Supporting the language development and well-being of children with hearing difficulties

The Wiese Foundation reaffirms its continuous commitment to supporting children with hearing difficulties as a key ally of the Peruvian Center for Hearing, Language and Learning (CPAL), deploying significant efforts to support the scholarship program of that institution destined for students of scarce economic resources who face hearing difficulties that have an impact on the level of the language and integration into society.

apoyar a niños con dificultades auditivas

One of the moving testimonies that illustrate the direct impact of the collaboration between the Wiese Foundation and the CPAL is that of Matías. Thanks to the financial support provided, he was able to successfully complete his studies. Today, at 9 years of age, Matías can attend a regular school, an achievement made possible by the continuous support of the Wiese Foundation. This milestone is a source of great satisfaction for all those involved in the process and it reinforces the social commitment of the foundation to continue supporting children with hearing difficulties, allowing them to continue with their education and full development in their lives.

Centro Peruano de Audición, Lenguaje y Aprendizaje

We are convinced that every child deserves a fair chance to develop his/her full potential, and it is through the right education and support that we can achieve it. We will continue to work tirelessly to create a brighter and more equitable future for all.

About CPAL

The Peruvian Center for Hearing, Language and Learning, CPAL, is the first institution in Peru to offer comprehensive care under a clinical-interdisciplinary approach for prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the areas of hearing, language, speech, voice and learning in children, adolescents and adults.

The social support of CPAL is the Fernando Wiese Eslava school that attends to and rehabilitates babies and children so that they may hear, through hearing aids and cochlear implants, acquire linguistic and academic skills that allow them to be included in a regular school.

About the Wiese Foundation

The history of the Wiese Foundation is not limited solely to its commitment to CPAL. As a non-profit organization, the foundation is dedicated to promoting educational, cultural and innovative projects with high social impact. Its vision covers a wide spectrum of areas that contribute to the well-being and development of society.

We, the Wiese Foundation, reaffirm our commitment to continue making a difference in the lives of our children and their families. We deeply value the collaboration with CPAL and other key partners and feel motivated to continue working together to overcome the challenges faced by children with learning difficulties.

To learn more about the Wiese Foundation and its initiatives, go to:

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